Home > Artworks > Rafael Ordoñez Franco

Photo of Rafael Ordoñez Franco Colombia

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Roldanillo nascent in 1968. His artistic formation has been linked to Ray Museum creative workshops in painting, drawing, printmaking and colografa with national and international teachers, including Humberto Navarro Acevez Giangrandi and Gilberto. Has exhibited in numerous group exhibitions, including the third salon Pereira Plaza - 1998, Museo Rayo 2002, In addition to other exhibitions in cities of the country, earning...

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Roldanillo nascent in 1968. His artistic formation has been linked to Ray Museum creative workshops in painting, drawing, printmaking and colografa with national and international teachers, including Humberto Navarro Acevez Giangrandi and Gilberto. Has exhibited in numerous group exhibitions, including the third salon Pereira Plaza - 1998, Museo Rayo 2002, In addition to other exhibitions in cities of the country, earning several awards and recognitions. Solo Exhibitions 2006 Plazoleta Centenario - Armenia, Colombia 2005 Museum Ray - Roldanillo, Colombia 2002 Club Swivel - Roldanillo, Colombia 2001 Comfamiliar - Tula, Colombia 1999 Municipal Library - Roldanillo, Colombia 1998 Institute of Fine Arts - Roldanillo, Colombia 1997 Club Maipore - Santa Rosa de Cabal, Colombia Leonstica 1997 Casa de la Cultura - Zarzal, Colombia 1997 Hernando Caiceo College - La Paila Colombia Real Intep Alfrez Auditorium 1995 - Roldanillo, Colombia Group 2007 Three (III) Art Gallery - Zacatecas, Mexico Tallera Siqueiros Cuernavaca - Morelos, Mexico Galera Irma Valeiro - Zacatecas, Mexico Bolivarian Museum - Santa Marta, Colombia 2006 "La Pared" Galera - BogotColombia 2005 Museum of Abstract Art Manuel Felguerez - Zacatecas, Mexico 2004 Guayasamin Museum - Quito, Ecuador 2003 Modern Art Museum - Cuenca, Ecuador 2003 The Block - Pereira, Colombia 2002 Museum Ray - Roldanillo, 2001 Hotel Intercontinental Colombia - Cali, Colombia 1992 First Exhibition of Regional Artists Intep-Roldanillo, Colombia 1991 Belisario Library Pea - Roldanillo, Colombia Museum Collections Museum Ray - Roldanillo, Colombia Museum of Modern Art - Cuenca, Ecuador Guayasamin Foundation - Quito, Ecuador Capilla del Hombre - Quito, Ecuador

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